Julia Gurol-Haller is a postdoctoral researcher and lecturer at the Chair for International Relations at Freiburg University and the Arnold-Bergstraesser Institute Freiburg. Her dissertation dealt with European-Chinese security relations in the Middle East and was published as a monograph with Bristol University Press in January 2022. Julia’s areas of expertise are China as a global actor, global authoritarianism, infrastructure & connectivity as well as Chinese foreign and security policy and China-Gulf relations.
Since June 2022, Julia Gurol-Haller is a member of the German Young Academy and since June 2023 member of the executive board of the German Young Academy.
China as a global actor; global authoritarianism; Chinese foreign and security policy; infrastructure & connectivity; China-Gulf relations; research methods & research ethics
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& Jacopo Scita (2020): China’s Balancing Act in the Gulf Relies on Ties to Iran and Arab States, The Arab Gulf States Institute Washington. Online available.
& Jacopo Scita (2020): ‘China’s Persian Gulf Strategy: Keep Teheran and Riyadh Content’, in: MENASource, Atlantic Council. Online available.
(2020): ‘Competitive, cooperative or complementary? The roles of the EU and China in the security architecture of the Middle East’, in: Chinese Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, Vol. 14, No. 1.
& Parisa Shahmohammadi (2019): Turning Interdependence into Complementary Action: EU-China Relations and the Quest to Save the Nuclear Agreement, CARPO Report 07. Online verfügbar.