
CARPO Research Forum

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online, 27. November 2024

Changing Patterns of Global Politics – The Middle East in a Multipolar World

5th CARPO Research Forum

The current global order is undergoing profound changes towards a multipolar world. This shift is characterized by the increased assertiveness of the countries in the so-called Global South, actively seeking new alliances and partnerships beyond traditional Western allies. This realignment is particularly evident in the Middle East, especially within the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), as these countries orient themselves towards other world regions. This year’s CARPO Research Forum will explore the global relationships of Middle Eastern countries within a shifting world order. The focus is …

online, 29. November 2023

Dialogue and Mediation in a Multipolar World

4th CARPO Research Forum

Today’s global affairs are becoming increasingly complex and overwhelming. The pace of tectonic geopolitical shifts, the intensity of continued unbearable conflicts, as well as the level of devastation through climate change are difficult to cope with and to sufficiently comprehend. While this global context is maximizing the need for patient and inclusive dialogue, time and space for such dialogue are becoming more and more limited. A new level of polarization is dominating the public discourse, leaving very little room for context, nuances and a multi-angle perspective on complex realities. …

online, 29. November 2023

Dialogue and Mediation in a Multipolar World. CARPO Research Forum 2023 – Conference Report

The 4th edition of the CARPO Research Forum (CRF) was entitled “Dialogue and Mediation in a Multipolar World” and took place online on November 29, 2023. It brought together several renowned experts to discuss the role of dialogue and mediation in a global climate characterized by polarization and multipolarity. The deliberations were centered on what kind of impact these global trends may have on dialogue and mediation efforts. More specifically, the inputs by the experts addressed questions such as: what the merits and limits of dialogue are; how dialogue initiatives can lead to actual …

online, 27. November 2024

Summary: Changing Patterns of Global Politics – The Middle East in a Multipolar World 5th CARPO Research Forum

5th CARPO Research Forum
