Seit dem 1. Dezember 2024 ist CARPO zehn Jahre alt! In den vergangenen zehn Jahren haben wir diese Organisation von Grund auf entwickelt – in der Überzeugung, dass wir etwas Neues und Einzigartiges zum Bereich der Nahost-Denkfabriken sowie zu den Themen Konfliktmediation, Friedensförderung und Entwicklung beitragen können. Im Rahmen unserer Feierlichkeiten zum 10-jährigen Jubiläum haben wir Kolleg:innen, Partner:innen und Freund:innen aus unserem Arbeitsfeld gebeten, ihre Erfahrungen mit unserer Arbeit zu teilen und darzulegen, inwiefern sie glauben, dass CARPO einen besonderen Beitrag leistet. Sehen Sie sich ihre Testimonials unten an:
"CARPO has been at the forefront in bringing the talent from civil society and academia from the region and plugging it into policy debates."
"Tafahum wa Tabadul has been a very professional job, one which might inspire others to emulate and learn from."
"CARPO has this benign pragmatism - they engage with all actors as long as this achieves their constructive agenda."
"The team's professionalism and cooperative spirit made every project enjoyable and fulfilling."
"CARPO's contribution lies not only in its commitment to address pressing issues, but also in its ability to bring together diverse voices from the region."
"It has been a distinct pleasure to learn from all that CARPO does."
"The work you have done with your partners has opened a new important space for economic peacebuilding efforts."
"CARPO is an important think tank connecting East and West."
"What impresses me most about CARPO is the in-depth and contextual knowledge you have."
"Let's keep building those bridges, man!”
“CARPO has a remarkably humble but very dedicated team, and I laud their hospitality towards entry-level staff and interns.”
"CARPO has been a phantastic partner in my work with mental health, education and media."
"Few think tanks in the Middle East field have managed to combine both the academic precision and the policy relevancy that CARPO has made its stock in trade."
"CARPO has a remarkable ability to link and gather experts from across different disciplines."
"Seeing how CARPO does its work became really important in the formation of what became APRI."
"Working with CARPO has fundamentally changed the way I do research."
"For the past ten years, CARPO has demonstrated its added value to dialogues and trust-building in the Middle East."