RYE: An open letter regarding Hudaydah

RYE: An open letter regarding Hudaydah

The Yemen Development Champions discussed the latest developments in Hudaydah governorate while convening for the latest Development Champions Forum. The Champions are concerned by the impact of escalating military operations on the humanitarian situation in Yemen as a whole and Hudaydah governorate in specific; in addition to the damage that would be caused to vital economic infrastructure. The effect on the economic situation in the country would be catastrophic. Hudaydah governorate is the third most densely populated governorate in Yemen and has more than 36,000 economic facilities. It is home to the most important port in the country, through which the majority of goods and humanitarian aid are brought into Yemen.

The Champions express their absolute rejection of the militarization of cities and the presence of any non-state armed forces in Hudaydah or any other Yemeni city.

The Champions call on all parties to spare Hudaydah governorate from the negative impact that further military escalation would bring and ask for their full and unconditional cooperation with the UN Special Envoy’s efforts.

The Champions support the UN Special Envoy’s efforts regarding Hudaydah and call on the European Union, which has had previous experiences in this field, to support the envoy’s efforts in this regard.

The Champions call on all parties to ensure the safety of civilians, to avoid targeting the ports in Hudaydah and all other economic facilities and infrastructure in any military operations, and to remove all barriers that complicate the delivery of commercial goods and humanitarian aid going through the ports in Hudaydah. All parties must adhere to international humanitarian law and resolutions relating to the protection of civilians, and the withdrawal of all fighters from all cities in Yemen.

The Champions reiterate that a truce in Hudaydah represents an opportunity for a just and comprehensive peace in Yemen; and they call on the UN Special Envoy and the international community to capitalize on this opportunity to achieve peace in Yemen.

The Champions call on all regional and international donors and humanitarian organizations to adhere to their commitments and pledges towards civilians and IDPs, to protect them from suffering from the brunt of war, and to launch a comprehensive humanitarian response program for Hudaydah governorate.

While the Champions support all efforts to address the humanitarian and economic crises in Yemen, they also express their readiness to play any role necessary to help spare Yemen in general, and specifically Hudaydah, from any military escalation and the negative humanitarian and economic repercussions.

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