Category: Kawa Hassan

Victimized by Geopolitics. Iranian and Saudi Perspectives on the Refugee Crisis

Victimized by Geopolitics. Iranian and Saudi Perspectives on the Refugee Crisis

The second meeting of CARPO and the EastWest Institute’s Iran-Saudi Track 2 Dialogue initiative took place in spring 2016 in Bonn. Current and former diplomats, analysts and security experts from both countries met alongside European scholars and experts to discuss “Iranian and Saudi Perspectives on the Refugee Crisis”.

Know Your Enemy – Iranian and Saudi Perspectives on ISIL

Know Your Enemy – Iranian and Saudi Perspectives on ISIL

CARPO and the EastWest Institute have established a confidential track 2 format for Iranian-Saudi dialogue. The first dialogue meeting took place In the fall of 2015 in Brussels. Current and former diplomats, analysts and security experts from both countries met alongside European policy-makers and experts to discuss “Iranian and Saudi Perspectives on ISIL”.