Towards #KnowledgeJustice? Addressing Asymmetries in Global Knowledge Production

Towards #KnowledgeJustice? Addressing Asymmetries in Global Knowledge Production

When: 30 November 2022, 15:00-17:00 (CET)

If knowledge is an imperial instrument of colonization, then the decolonization of knowledge is one of the most urgent tasks: Global structures of knowledge production are still marked by asymmetries. Once referred to by Quijano as the “coloniality of knowledge,” this “epistemic violence” of knowledge production is still present in the 21st century. 

Against this backdrop, CARPO’s third virtual Research Forum (CRF) investigates and critically discusses the underrepresentation of the so-called Global South in global knowledge production. Among others, we address the following questions: Which persisting asymmetries of knowledge production prevail? How can these inequalities in the system of global knowledge production be reduced or even eliminated? And what is the role of different actors from different world regions in this process towards knowledge justice?  

Overall, the CRF wants to shed more light on an often under-represented topic and put the finger on the prevailing asymmetries in global knowledge production. The event shall provide a platform for discussion by bringing together experts from the Global South and North on this issue. Furthermore, it discusses initiatives to reduce asymmetries in global knowledge production and, in terms of positionality, locates the challenges, responsibilities and fields of action for scholars working in the Global North.  

You can register here.


15:00-15:10 Introduction

15:10-15:30 Online Keynote: “Knowledge production and epistemic justice: A reflection from the Arab World” 

Sari Hanafi, Professor of Sociology, Director of Center for Arab and Middle Eastern Studies and Chair of the Islamic Studies program, American University of Beirut, Lebanon

Mirjam Schmidt, Project Manager, CARPO

15:45-16:45 Panel Discussion Session: Doing Research in the so-called Global South

Yasmeen al-Eryani, Director of Research, Sana’a Center, Yemen
Sarah Wessel, CARPO Associate Fellow and Research Manager, Berlin Center for Global Engagement, Berlin University Alliance, Germany
Sari Hanafi, Professor of Sociology, Director of Center for Arab and Middle Eastern Studies and Chair of the Islamic Studies program, American University of Beirut, Lebanon
Marwan Kraidy, Dean and CEO Northwestern University in Qatar Professor of Communication and Anthony Shadid Chair in Global Media, Politics and Culture Northwestern University

Stacey Philbrick Yadav, Associate Professor of International Relations, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, US

16:45-17:00 Concluding Remarks
The final session aims to draw conclusions and summarize ideas compiled during the CRF.

Julia Gurol, Postdoctoral Researcher and Lecturer, Chair for International Relations, Freiburg University, Germany

Allgemein, CARPO Research Forum