Author: carpo_Op3exR9

Challenges and Prospects for Electronic Money and Payment Systems in Yemen 

Challenges and Prospects for Electronic Money and Payment Systems in Yemen 

Yemen has a heavily cash-based economy with low levels of financial inclusion. The country’s formal banking sector is highly underdeveloped, undercapitalized and concentrated in urban areas, leaving it inaccessible for most Yemenis. Plans by the Central Bank of Yemen to develop and improve electronic interbank transactions and local electronic payment systems, including mobile money services, were interrupted by the onset of the ongoing conflict. This paper examines (and provides recommendations on): the existing regulations surrounding the use of e-money in Yemen; attempts to adopt e-money services both before and during the conflict; the major players and state of infrastructure in the sector; and the challenges and prospects facing greater adoption of electronic currency in the country. 

Download the White Paper in English or Arabic 

Other, Publications, Rethinking Yemen's Economy, RYE Publications
Local Security Governance in Yemen in Times of War

Local Security Governance in Yemen in Times of War

by Mareike Transfeld, Mohamed al-Iriani, Maged Sultan and Marie-Christine Heinze

After six years of war, state institutions in Yemen have fragmented along multiple fault lines. The security sector is no exception. Given their role as central nodes of the country’s security governance structure, this Policy Report explores governorate-level Security Committees in three governorates that have been particularly affected by violence and institutional fragmentation: Ta‘iz, al-Hudayda and Aden. Next to seeking to understand the institutional set-up and functions of the Committees, questions guiding this Report are how the Committees have evolved in the context of state fragmentation and what, if any, capacities they have to play a potential role in local-level mediation (for instance, regarding humanitarian access) or transitional security governance arrangements.

view YPC/CARPO Report

Maged Sultan, Mapping Security Governance in Yemen, Mareike Transfeld, Marie-Christine Heinze, Mohamed al-Iriani, Other
Microfinance in Yemen

Microfinance in Yemen

Since its introduction to Yemen in 1997, microfinance has been viewed as a strategic tool to alleviate poverty and reduce unemployment, for it provided a means for the financial inclusion and economic empowerment of small and micro entrepreneurs by expanding financial services to them. However, persistent challenges facing the microfinance industry have stunted its development, reach within the population, and overall socioeconomic impact. To better place the industry to achieve its socioeconomic aims in the near term and contribute to Yemen’s recovery post-conflict, the Development Champions Forum puts forth several recommendations in four areas, namely, capacity building, financing, program design, and research.

This infographic is based on RYE White Paper 06.

Publications, Rethinking Yemen's Economy, Videos/Infographics
Developing Yemen’s Fishing Industry

Developing Yemen’s Fishing Industry

Yemen’s fisheries sector holds untapped promise in contributing to the national economy, with a coastline of more than 2,500 kilometers and rich fishing grounds offshore. Yet the sector has long faced many structural challenges that have limited its production and potential contribution to overall economic output, which have been exacerbated during the ongoing conflict. This infographic provides an overview of the industry’s most important challenges as well as recommendations about how the sector could be developed now and in the future.

This infographic is based on RYE Policy Brief 19.

Publications, Rethinking Yemen's Economy, Videos/Infographics
Deterioration of the Foreign Exchange Rate of the Yemeni Rial

Deterioration of the Foreign Exchange Rate of the Yemeni Rial

The Development Champions Forum held multiple online discussions in the period from 20-24 June 2020 to discuss the reasons behind the recent deterioration in the foreign exchange rate of the Yemeni rial. The Champions also discussed possible immediate interventions that can be applied by the concerned parties to curb the rial’s depreciation against foreign currencies. This Flash Report presents a summary of those discussions and the resulting recommendations.

Download the Flash Report in English or Arabic

Download the Follow-up Statement in English or Arabic

Publications, Rethinking Yemen's Economy, RYE Publications
Economic Priorities for a Sustainable Peace Agreement in Yemen

Economic Priorities for a Sustainable Peace Agreement in Yemen

The sustainability of a peace agreement in Yemen will, amongst others, depend on two critical insights: First, in a conflict that is largely over access to resources, the issues of distribution and control of those resources can make or break peace. Second, where peace agreements lack provisions that create overall economic stability, warfare can resume during the fragile implementation period. At the sixth Development Champions Forum in Amman, Jordan, from 25 to 27 January 2020, the Development Champions therefore focused on identifying urgent macroeconomic, fiscal, and monetary issues that pose a direct threat to the successful implementation of any peace agreement in Yemen. This Policy Brief summarizes their key recommendations on economic provisions that need to be included in the peace agreement.

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Other, Publications, Rethinking Yemen's Economy, RYE Publications
The Role of the Private Sector in Peacebuilding in Yemen

The Role of the Private Sector in Peacebuilding in Yemen

by Tarek Barakat, Ali al-Jarbani and Laurent Bonnefoy

This Brief analyzes the state of the private sector in Yemen during the ongoing war and explores its potential to contribute to the country’s peace requirements. It presents challenges entrepreneurs face and the potential contribution of these in sectors that are central to the construction and sustainability of peace. It highlights the fact that their actions and capacity to offer jobs and revenue to the Yemeni population are constrained by the fragmentation of authority and the resultant lack of transparency. It also demonstrates that the focus on regional and international aid has left many entrepreneurs feeling abandoned and helpless.

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Ali al-Jarbani, CARPO Briefs, Laurent Bonnefoy, Publications, Research Cooperation on Peacebuilding in Yemen, Tarek Barakat
The Role of Civil Society in Peacebuilding in Yemen

The Role of Civil Society in Peacebuilding in Yemen

by Abdulkarim Qassim, Loay Amin, Mareike Transfeld and Ewa Strzelecka

The current political and economic conditions in Yemen make it difficult for CSOs to continue functioning on an effective level, while a lack of human and organizational capacity are hampering project results. Nevertheless, Yemeni CSOs contribute to peace requirements in various sectors and remain an important actor in the Yemeni civic sphere. In a context in which conflict parties are not willing to compromise and media contributes to escalating violence, actors that uphold the principles of human rights, political participation and peace are most likely to be found in the realm of civil society. For civil society to be able to contribute to peacebuilding and future reconstruction efforts, now is the time for international organizations to support CSOs and invest seriously into their human and organizational capacity building.

view CARPO/Itar Brief in English or Arabic
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Abdulkarim Qassim, CARPO Briefs, Ewa Strzelecka, Loay Amin, Mareike Transfeld, Publications, Research Cooperation on Peacebuilding in Yemen
Microfinance in Yemen. An Overview of Challenges and Opportunities

Microfinance in Yemen. An Overview of Challenges and Opportunities

This White Paper explores the historic development of Yemen’s microfinance industry and its players, as well as the impacts of the ongoing conflict. This analysis is followed by recommendations that address four specific areas – capacity building, financing, program design and research – to help create a more conducive operating environment for microfinance overall. The objective is to better place the industry to achieve its socioeconomic aims in the near term and contribute to Yemen’s recovery post conflict.

Download the White Paper in English or Arabic

Other, Publications, Rethinking Yemen's Economy, RYE Publications
The Role of Youth in Peacebuilding in Yemen

The Role of Youth in Peacebuilding in Yemen

by Maged al-Kholidy, Yazeed al-Jeddawy and Kate Nevens

Despite its major transformative potential, local level youth work is often overlooked by mainstream international discourses on national level peace processes and violent conflict. This Brief sheds light on young peoples’ activism before and during the war, the challenges they are currently facing, their visions for the future of Yemen and the kind of support they need. The contributions of young men and women to the economy, politics, culture and society, security and justice, education and the environment show how youth are laying the groundwork for peace and social cohesion in their communities.

view CARPO/YWBOD Brief in English or Arabic
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CARPO Briefs, Kate Nevens, Maged al-Kholidy, Publications, Research Cooperation on Peacebuilding in Yemen, Yazeed al-Jeddawy
The Role of the Media in Peacebuilding in Yemen

The Role of the Media in Peacebuilding in Yemen

by Fatima Saleh, Scott Preston and Mareike Transfeld

The increased political capture of the Yemeni media since 2014 has reinforced diverging political discourses and has contributed to polarization across society and to political fragmentation. Practitioners face steep challenges in composing professional stories. Journalists are subject to harassment, intimidation, abduction and violence. Yet, Yemeni journalists remain hopeful of the prospect of media reform and are eager to detail the prerequisites for proactive change. Encouraging the development of independent news outlets, independent funding and capacity-building activities could enable the Yemeni media to contribute to better mutual understanding, de-escalation and the requirements for peace.

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CARPO Briefs, Fatima Saleh, Mareike Transfeld, Publications, Research Cooperation on Peacebuilding in Yemen, Scott Preston
Developing Human Capital

Developing Human Capital

Human capital in Yemen has long been at the lowest levels across all indicators due to the successive conflicts in the country and the weak investment in human development. Over five years since the onset of the ongoing war in Yemen, human capital accumulation has continued to regress. This video emphasizes that human capital is the foundation of development and the essence of the economic prosperity of future generations and stresses that continued neglect of investment in human capital will inevitably continue to undermine sustainable development in Yemen.

This infographic is based on RYE Policy Brief 18.

Publications, Rethinking Yemen's Economy, Videos/Infographics
The Essential Role of Remittances in Mitigating Economic Collapse

The Essential Role of Remittances in Mitigating Economic Collapse

This White Paper addresses the impact of Saudi Arabia’s increasingly restrictive handling of its expatriate workforce on the economy in Yemen. The kingdom’s policies, which have forced tens of thousands of Yemenis to return home, have resulted in a dramatic loss of income from remittances for their families in Yemen at a time when the country is already going through a catastrophic humanitarian situation. The authors thus argue that it is incumbent upon GCC states, and Saudi Arabia in particular, to allow Yemeni expat workers an exemption from the current labor nationalization campaigns – at least until a post-conflict Yemen has attained acceptable economic growth and the issue of the repatriation of Yemeni workers can be revisited responsibly.

Download the White Paper in English or Arabic

Other, Publications, Rethinking Yemen's Economy, RYE Publications
Knowledge in Dialogue. The Role of Academic Exchange in Mitigating Conflict between Iran and Saudi Arabia

Knowledge in Dialogue. The Role of Academic Exchange in Mitigating Conflict between Iran and Saudi Arabia

by Jan Hanrath

The sixth meeting of CARPO and the EastWest Institute’s ‘Iran-Saudi Dialogue Initiative’ dealt with knowledge production and knowledge dialogue in context of the highly conflictual relationship between Iran and Saudi Arabia and explored the potential of academic exchanges and scientific cooperation in defusing such tensions. The workshop brought together academics, representatives of think tanks and security analysts from Iran and Saudi Arabia as well as international experts. The participants discussed general conditions and approaches of academic dialogues, as well as concrete steps that can be envisioned even in times of heightened conflict. All participants agreed that an increase of knowledge on its own does not automatically lead to more understanding. Different forms of knowledge need to be understood and applied, and existing gaps between the various forms bridged. Only in doing so academic dialogue can live up to its potential as bridge-builder. CARPO/EWI Brief 11 takes up the discussions of the workshop and presents policy recommendations.

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CARPO Briefs, Iran-Saudi-Dialogue, Jan Hanrath, Projects, Publications
Imagining an Alternative Homeland. Humanism in Contemporary Yemeni Novels

Imagining an Alternative Homeland. Humanism in Contemporary Yemeni Novels

by Abdulsalam al-Rubaidi

This Study presents insights into alternative values and visions offered to society by leading contemporary Yemeni novelists with the aim of laying the basis for a better future of their country. CARPO Associate Fellow Abdulsalam al-Rubaidi analyzes six contemporary Yemeni novels, each of which is built around widely debated issues in Yemen, revolving around three main categories: regionalism, religious affiliations, and race. The Study identifies a multidimensional humanistic space as the ultimate goal of literary narration – a vision which is based on love, respect, recognition, rationality, openness, environmental awareness and orientation towards peace.

view CARPO/IOA/GDRSC Study in English or Arabic
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Abdulsalam al-Rubaidi, CARPO Studies, Peacebuilding and State building in Yemen, Publications
Combating Corruption in Yemen

Combating Corruption in Yemen

This White Paper assesses the multifaceted pervasiveness of corruption in Yemen. It is demonstrated, amongst others, that patronage networks are now emerging among previously marginal or unknown figures and that the financial involvement of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates has extended patronage across national borders. It is argued that any anti-corruption agenda must aim to understand the complex configuration of patronage networks in Yemen, to be introduced gradually, and to get the buy-in of as wide a group of Yemenis as possible.

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Download the Policy Brief in English or Arabic

Other, Publications, Rethinking Yemen's Economy, RYE Publications
Private Sector Engagement in Post-Conflict Yemen

Private Sector Engagement in Post-Conflict Yemen

This White Paper assesses the factors weighing on private sector development in Yemen. It lays out the impacts of the 2011 uprising in Yemen, the ensuing political crisis and the current conflict on the economy and the private sector. Following this, recommendations are offered to both the Yemeni government and international stakeholders regarding steps that can be taken to revive and develop the private sector post conflict.

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Download the Policy Brief in English or Arabic

Other, Publications, Rethinking Yemen's Economy, RYE Publications
Local Governance in Yemen Amid Conflict and Instability

Local Governance in Yemen Amid Conflict and Instability

This White Paper deals with the role of local councils in Yemen and analyses their current situation. In the absence of central state authority and despite all the challenges they face, these councils remain important instruments for coordinating humanitarian relief efforts and local-level conflict mediation. Local councils are among the best-equipped and best-established institutions to support a shift away from the previous centralized model. Thus the Brief concludes that it is imperative that local, regional and international actors seek not merely to keep local governance structures from collapse but to enhance the capacities of local councils in post-conflict scenarios.

Download the White Paper in English or Arabic
Download the Policy Brief in English or Arabic

Other, Publications, Rethinking Yemen's Economy, RYE Publications
An Institutional Framework for Post-Conflict Reconstruction in Yemen

An Institutional Framework for Post-Conflict Reconstruction in Yemen

This White Paper proposes an institutional structure for a future reconstruction process in Yemen: a permanent, independent, public reconstruction authority that empowers and coordinates the work of local reconstruction offices, established at the local level in areas affected by conflict or natural disasters. This proposal does not arise only from lessons learned from previous reconstruction efforts in Yemen, but also from the immediate need for such an institution to begin planning and implementing reconstruction work to the greatest extent possible.

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Download the Policy Brief in English or Arabic

Other, Publications, Rethinking Yemen's Economy, RYE Publications
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder among Yemeni Children as a Consequence of the Ongoing War

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder among Yemeni Children as a Consequence of the Ongoing War

by Fawziah al-Ammar

This CARPO Brief summarizes initial findings of the author’s research among displaced school children in Sana‘a in spring 2016, based on the internationally recognized Child PTSD Symptoms Scale (CPSS). It finds that they have been experiencing severe symptoms of PTSD since the breakout of violent conflict and war and that the rates of PTSD experience are higher compared to results from similar studies in other countries going through conflict. It thus concludes that Yemeni school children are in dire need of help to overcome the difficulties they might face in the future and provides respective recommendations.

view CARPO/IOA/GDRSC brief in English or Arabic
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CARPO Briefs, Fawziah al-Ammar, Peacebuilding and State building in Yemen, Publications
Enhancing Women’s Role in Water Management in Yemen

Enhancing Women’s Role in Water Management in Yemen

by Bilkis Zabara

This CARPO Brief addresses the relationship between gender and natural resources in conflict-affected Yemen. It describes the impact of the war on women’s access to water resources and sanitation facilities and analyzes the role of women in decision-making and water-distribution processes. It finds that the involvement of women at all levels of water management and governance is of utmost importance if the access to water as a basic human right is to be guaranteed and provides respective recommendations.

view CARPO/IOA/GDRSC Brief in English or Arabic
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Bilkis Zabara, CARPO Briefs, Peacebuilding and State building in Yemen, Projects, Publications
Addressing Security Sector Reform in Yemen. Challenges and Opportunities for Intervention During and Post-Conflict

Addressing Security Sector Reform in Yemen. Challenges and Opportunities for Intervention During and Post-Conflict

edited by Marie-Christine Heinze

This CARPO Report is the result of a conference with the same name, which was jointly organized by CARPO and the Regional Office Gulf States of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) at the Dead Sea in April 2017. The papers by prolific experts on Yemen included in this publication discuss the changes, obstacles and limits for successful security sector reform in Yemen during and after the conflict and offer respective recommendations for national and international policy-makers in the field.

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Addressing Security Sector Reform in Yemen, CARPO Reports, Marie-Christine Heinze, Publications
Environmental Challenges in a Conflictive Environment. Iranian and Saudi Perspectives on the Risks of Climate Change and Ecological Deterioration.

Environmental Challenges in a Conflictive Environment. Iranian and Saudi Perspectives on the Risks of Climate Change and Ecological Deterioration.

by Jan Hanrath und Wael Abdul-Shafi

The fourth meeting of CARPO and the EastWest Institute’s ‘Iran-Saudi Track 2 Initiative’ dealt with the political, social and economic risks posed by current environmental challenges to Iran and Saudi Arabia alike. The workshop brought together academics, environmental experts, security analysts and former diplomats from Iran and Saudi Arabia as well as international experts. The participants discussed environmental issues to reach a better understanding of the political context and to identify opportunities and limits for Iranian-Saudi cooperation in the field of regional environmental policy. Fully aware that the current political situation makes cooperation very difficult, participants discussed potential avenues of exchange below the level of national governments and proposed initiatives for cooperation on a regional and international level. CARPO/EWI Brief 08 summarizes key insights and recommendations derived from the conference discussions.

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CARPO Briefs, Iran-Saudi-Dialogue, Jan Hanrath, Projects, Publications, Wael Abdul-Shafi
Envisioning the Future: Iranian and Saudi Perspectives on the Post-Oil Economy

Envisioning the Future: Iranian and Saudi Perspectives on the Post-Oil Economy

by Danila Bochkarev and Jan Hanrath

The third meeting of CARPO and the EastWest Institute’s Iran-Saudi Track 2 Dialogue Initiative was dedicated to the repercussions of changing global energy markets on Iran and Saudi Arabia. The workshop brought together policy experts and economists from Iran and Saudi Arabia as well as experts from Europe. They discussed challenges and opportunities a ‘post-oil’ era might bring and explored potential areas for cooperation between both countries. While participants agreed on the necessity of cooperation for creating strong and less oil-dependent economies, from which both countries as well as the whole region would benefit, their assessments varied on where this could begin. CARPO/EWI Brief 07 summarizes key insights and recommendations derived from the conference discussions.

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CARPO Briefs, Danila Bochkarev, Iran-Saudi-Dialogue, Jan Hanrath, Projects, Publications
Between Dependence and Diversification. Making Sense of Iran’s Energy

Between Dependence and Diversification. Making Sense of Iran’s Energy

by David Ramin Jalilvand

Parallel to the conclusion and implementation of the nuclear deal, Iran’s energy sector has become a subject of interest around the world. An estimated $100 billion in foreign investment are needed for the modernization of the Iranian energy industry. Following the relief of sanctions granted as part of the nuclear deal, the government of President Hassan Rouhani is now trying to gain cooperation with international companies. In order to make better sense of Tehran’s energy policy and to more accurately assess the overall situation in the Iranian energy sector, this paper argues that attention needs to also be given to Iran’s long-term developments. Unlike the past, Iran is now increasingly utilizing its oil and natural gas production domestically. This has important implications for the country’s political economy.

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CARPO Briefs, David Ramin Jalilvand, Publications
Victimized by Geopolitics. Iranian and Saudi Perspectives on the Refugee Crisis

Victimized by Geopolitics. Iranian and Saudi Perspectives on the Refugee Crisis

by Wael Abdul-Shafi, Kawa Hassan und Adnan Tabatabai

The second meeting of CARPO and the EastWest Institute’s Iran-Saudi Track 2 Dialogue initiative took place in spring 2016 in Bonn. Current and former diplomats, analysts and security experts from both countries met alongside European scholars and experts to discuss “Iranian and Saudi Perspectives on the Refugee Crisis”. During the two-day conference, the participants elaborated on how the term “refugee“ is conceptualized in Saudi Arabia and Iran. They further shared their views and future visions about the ongoing conflicts and the humanitarian crises in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Afghanistan – the four main ’departure contexts’ of refugees in West and Central Asia. CARPO Brief 05 summarizes key insights and recommendations derived from the conference discussions.

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Adnan Tabatabai, CARPO Briefs, Iran-Saudi-Dialogue, Kawa Hassan, Projects, Publications, Wael Abdul-Shafi
Returning to Transitional Justice in Yemen. A Backgrounder on the Commission on the Forcibly Retired in the Southern Governorates

Returning to Transitional Justice in Yemen. A Backgrounder on the Commission on the Forcibly Retired in the Southern Governorates

by Jens Kambeck

This CARPO Report focuses on the work of the Commission on the Forcibly Retired in the Southern Governorates, which was established in the framework of the GCC Initiative. The author argues that if the unity of Yemen is to be preserved, the only path forward is to take concrete and earnest steps to rebuild trust between North and South through transitional justice, once the ongoing war has come to an end. Such a trust-building process can—amongst others—build on the work of the Commission presented here. The CARPO Report thus concludes with respective recommendations.

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CARPO Reports, Jens Kambeck, Peacebuilding and State building in Yemen, Projects, Publications
The EU’s Balancing Act in the Middle East. How to Engage Iran without Alienating GCC States

The EU’s Balancing Act in the Middle East. How to Engage Iran without Alienating GCC States

by Jan Hanrath

Initial hopes that the nuclear agreement between Iran and the E3+3 would increase regional security and decrease political tensions have been dashed. Conflicts in the Middle East are escalating further, and tensions between GCC states and Iran are intensifying. In light of this regional tug-of-war, the EU needs to develop a policy that succeeds in integrating the Iranian position into regional affairs without alienating other allies in the region. Against this backdrop CARPO organized a conference on EU-Middle East relations early this year. CARPO Brief 04 summarizes the conference discussions and outlines potential EU-Middle East initiatives.

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CARPO Briefs, Jan Hanrath, Publications
Iran Votes. A Primer to the Elections of Parliament and the Assembly of Experts

Iran Votes. A Primer to the Elections of Parliament and the Assembly of Experts

by Adnan Tabatabai

The twin elections of 26 February 2016 are the first to be held after the nuclear agreement between Iran and P5+1 has been signed. This CARPO Report sheds light on the current political climate in Iran and presents analytical criteria to apprehend both the interplay between parliament and government, as well as the key tasks for the Assembly of Experts. The main electoral contenders and parties are then introduced before the author provides insights on how senior officials view these dual elections. It concludes by highlighting the electorate’s key demands and by presenting a set of parameters to look into the upcoming months.

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Adnan Tabatabai, CARPO Reports, Publications
Yemen. Actors, Factors, Scenarios [in German]

Yemen. Actors, Factors, Scenarios [in German]

by Marie-Christine Heinze

Three years after nation-wide protests forced Yemen’s President Ali Abdallah Salih to step down, the country is in a highly volatile state. Numerous, largely armed actors fight for the advancement of their strategic interests while Houthi militias increasingly block the efforts of the newly elected government in the capital city Sanaa. Regional and international actors are also relevant for the political developments of the past three years and those of the future. This CARPO Report offers an overview of the current context, the most important actors as well as relevant factors for future developments in Yemen. Three possible scenarios for the next 1-2 years are elaborated and options for German development agencies are proposed. Available only in German.

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CARPO Reports, Marie-Christine Heinze, Publications