Author: Lukas Roeb

Urbanism in Flux. Smart and Sustainable Cities as Spaces for Regional Cooperation in West Asia and the Arabian Peninsula 

Urbanism in Flux. Smart and Sustainable Cities as Spaces for Regional Cooperation in West Asia and the Arabian Peninsula 

by Sina Winkel and Sebastian Sons

Cities generate 75% of global CO₂ emissions from energy use, with rapid urbanization projected in West Asia and the Arabian Peninsula, particularly in the GCC countries. Urbanization poses challenges like housing shortages, congestion, pollution and inefficient public transport. In response, GCC countries are developing smart cities, such as Saudi Arabia’s NEOM and the UAE’s Masdar City, aiming for high quality of life and economic growth. However, these projects face issues like social inequalities, infrastructure deficits and environmental impacts. Despite technological advances, obstacles to sustainable development persist. The authors of this CARPO Report argue that regional cooperation is crucial to addressing these challenges and fostering sustainable urban growth through initiatives that emphasize cultural heritage, environmental education and community engagement, promoting socio-economic and environmental resilience. 

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CARPO Reports, CARPO Sustainability Series, Tafahum
Moving from Rapprochement to Economic Cooperation? Prospects for Trade Ties between Saudi Arabia and Iran 

Moving from Rapprochement to Economic Cooperation? Prospects for Trade Ties between Saudi Arabia and Iran 

by Desirée Custers and Mirjam Schmidt 

As both Iran and Saudi Arabia are looking for ways to foster economic growth, the agreement to resume diplomatic ties, signed in March 2023, offers an opportunity for economic cooperation that could mutually benefit the two countries’ domestic economies. Areas of potential cooperation include the hydrogen and start-up sectors, as well as shared investment in third markets, such as the mutually neighbouring Iraq. While there is great potential for cooperation, among the challenges that need to be considered are the security situation in the region, the international sanctions against Iran and a lack of a bilateral political framework that can secure the risks of monetary investment. This CARPO Brief summarizes the obstacles and avenues for bilateral and regional economic cooperation between Saudi Arabia and Iran as discussed by a group of Iranian and Saudi experts during an Iran-Saudi Dialogue Initiative (ISDI) workshop held in September 2023. 

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Allgemein, CARPO Briefs
The Impact of Flooding on Agricultural Communities in Yemen 

The Impact of Flooding on Agricultural Communities in Yemen 

Yemen’s agricultural communities face a perfect storm of growing ecological threats amid protracted conflict. Flash floods destroy farms, crops, and irrigation systems. Late rains risk drowning mature harvests, and waterlogged fields hinder root growth. Coastal areas battle salinization, and collapsed roads and buried wells hamper recovery. As flooding and changing rainfall patterns undermine yields, farmers struggle to sustain their livelihoods. This policy brief examines the impact of floods on agricultural communities, based on the discussions and outcomes of a workshop implemented by the Rethinking Yemen’s Economy initiative with representatives from different governorates in Say’un, Hadhramawt, in 2023. It presents an analysis of the impacts of flooding and explores local prevention, mitigation, and adaptation measures and concludes with policy recommendations to mitigate flooding and its impact on agricultural communities, enhance food and water security, and build resilience against future extreme weather events. 

Download the Policy Brief in English or Arabic 

Allgemein, Other, Rethinking Yemen's Economy, RYE Publications